July 15, 2008

The Strange Things Moms Say

Tonight I was half watching a reality show while I swept the crumbs from under my son's booster seat. As I dumped the dustpan into the trash I heard, "DO. NOT. MAKE. YOUR. CHICKEN. DANCE." I smiled. Replace "chicken" with sandwich, french fries, or green beans and you've got a sentence I've uttered myself on more than one occasion. I wonder, how many times a day we mothers find ourselves saying something that would ordinarily sound totally bizarre, but under the circumstances makes perfect sense?

Me & My Boys

Hello! My name is Kathleen and I am the mother of Ethan - a 2 1/2 year old obsessed with trains, cars, and fish (we've ridden Ariel's Carousel more times than I have fingers), and Quintin- a 4 1/2 mth old who as far as I can figure can only be working up his lung capacity in preparation for his career in the opera. Are there any other careers requiring enormous lung capacity?
I am also the wife of Luke- that crazy guy helping Ethan drive Donald Duck's Boat.